2011 News

Installed 28 years ago,
these solar panels are still going strong.

Silicone used as an encapsulant for photovoltaic cells

All over the world, solar power is becoming more mainstream as a source of eco-friendly clean energy. These particular solar panels are still providing power some 28 years after they were installed.

These solar panels were installed at Tsubosaka Temple in Nara Prefecture (Takatori, Takaichi District, Nara Prefecture), to provide power for nighttime illumination of the Tenjikutorai Daikannon stone figure located on the temple grounds.

Silicone plays a vital role, as the encapsulant of the cells used to construct the 40 solar panel modules installed at the site.

Used outdoors for nearly 30 years since being installed at the temple, these solar panels are a prime example of the fine properties of silicone, and one that we at Shin-Etsu like to point to as proof of silicone's outstanding weatherability and durability.

Tenjikutorai Daikannon stone figure at Tsubosaka Temple
Tenjikutorai Daikannon stone figure
at Tsubosaka Temple
Solar panel modules still working fine after all these years.
Solar panel modules still working fine
after all these years.
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