2011 News

When smartphones get dropped,
silicone absorbs the blow to help prevent damage.

Solid protective case for smartphones

The popularity of smartphones keeps going up and up. But all too often, a fall can damage the touchscreen. This is where the Solid protective case for smartphones comes in (photo). Made of aluminum, the Solid is designed to cover the smartphone. A special, soft silicone rubber compound is glued to the inside of the frame, so both the frame and silicone absorb the impact of a fall.

Silicone rubber is a soft material with excellent weatherability and durability, and as such it is used in a wide array of applications as a shock absorbing or cushioning material.

Special silicone rubber glued to the back panel of the case
Special silicone rubber glued to
the back panel of the case
Special silicone rubber
Special silicone rubber
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