Approach to Coexist with Local Communities Near the Gunma Complex
The Gunma Complex is located in Annaka City in the western part of Gunma Prefecture, and our employees and the employees of affiliated companies commute from the city and surrounding areas. As a member of the local community, the Gunma Complex engages in social contribution and communication activities as part of living in harmony with the local community.
The Gunma Complex conducts comprehensive disaster drills twice a year in the spring and fall. Fall drills are held jointly with the local fire department. Government officials and representatives of local residents are invited to participate in the drills. By extending invitations to them to actually participate in the drills, they can deepen their understanding of our safety management system and initiatives.
Every year, the Gunma Complex Group conducts cleanup activities on the roads around the complex as part of an environmental beautification campaign. Each time, the participants spend about two hours collecting empty cans, plastic bottles, paper scraps, and other items discarded along the road. In addition to contributing to the local community, these activities help raise environmental awareness among employees and educate them in good manners.
The Gunma Complex sponsors the Ansei Tooashi Samurai Marathon in which runners dress up as samurai, ninja, anime characters, and many other costumes. The event originated as a marathon (excursion) by clansmen held in 1885, which makes Annaka City the birthplace of the marathon in Japan. The event is held every year in May, and many of our employees participate to liven up the competition.
The Gunma Complex has maintained good interaction with the local community by hosting plant tours and participating in local events. As a community-based business, we continue to sponsor and participate in similar activities so that more stakeholders will understand our business.
Beautiful rows of cherry trees delight the eyes of visitors and nearby residents
The Matsuida plant at the Gunma Complex is surrounded by an environment rich in nature, such as rice paddies, farmland, and bushes. Every spring during the cherry blossom season, somei-yoshino cherry trees planted along the roads around the Matuida plant are in full bloom, delighting the eyes of visitors and nearby residents.